Meet Your Neighbors April 16th 2023 – 4 to 7pm

Hello Members,

The Board is sponsoring a “Meet Your Neighbors” cocktail party on April 16th from 4 to 7pm at Guanabanas waterfront restaurant. Secretary of the Board James Squires is performing there that afternoon with his 7-piece band Hot Sauce Moon. So we thought why not gather there for our next neighbor’s party?

Everyone is encouraged to come chat and talk with your neighbors and with the COA Board. Owners and Renters welcome. Tell your neighbor!

Please mark this on your calendar and save the date.

Meet Your Neighbors January 29th 2023 – 3 to 5pm

Hello Members,

The Board is sponsoring a “Meet Your Neighbors” cocktail party on January 29th from 3 to 5pm in the parking area off the lake between units 2122 and 2123.  Red & white wine has been donated by Lori – one of the board members. Everyone is encouraged to bring along an appetizer plate to share.

Meet Neighbors Party Sign

There will be a fun raffle of many donated items and all proceeds will go to our COA Reserves Funds. If you have an item you’d like to gift to the raffle please let us know.  Finally, something to do with that unwanted holiday gift.

Everyone is encouraged to come chat and talk with your neighbors and with the COA Board. Owners and Renters welcome. Tell your neighbor!

Please mark this on your calendar and save the date.

Open Board Meeting – Members Welcome 12/21/2022

Location is the Jupiter Library and on Zoom Meeting – 6PM to about 7:30PM.

All JLV HOA Members are encouraged and welcome to attend. By HOA rules renters and non-members are not allowed to attend.

Signs will be posted (as per HOA rules) at the entrance of the community and on the bulletin board (also located at the entrance). The agenda will be posted once it is known.

There will be a broadcast email with the agenda sent to all owners on the Owner’s Email List. If you are not on the email list and would like to be, please make yourself known by submitting the contact form.

Join the Conversation – Join the HOA Forum

Open Board Meeting- Members Welcome 9/29/2022 CANCELLED

Please note that the JLV Member’s & Board Meeting on Thursday September 29th, 2022 has been cancelled.

Location is the Jupiter Library, and the Town of Jupiter has it CLOSED.

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NOTE: Due to hurricane Ian the Town of Jupiter may not have the library open on Thursday night. We will keep an eye on the storm and let everyone know if the meeting is to be rescheduled or if it will take place as planned.

All JLV HOA Members are encouraged and welcome to attend. By HOA rules renters and non-members are not allowed to attend.

Signs will be posted (as per HOA rules) at the entrance of the community and on the bulletin board (also located at the entrance).

Note: Due to the possibility of high winds the Meeting sign will not be posted at the entrance.

There will be an email sent out as well.

If you are not on the email list and would like to be, please make yourself known by submitting the contact form.

Open Board Meeting – Members Welcome 6/22/2022

Please note that there will be an JLV Member’s & Board Meeting on Wednesday June 22nd, 2022.

Location is the Jupiter Library 6PM to about 7:30 PM.

All JLV HOA Members are encouraged and welcome to attend.

Signs will be posted (as per HOA rules) at the entrance of the community and on the bulletin board (also located at the entrance).

There will be an email sent out as well.

If you are not on the email list and would like to be, please make yourself known by submitting the contact form.

Open Board Meeting – Members Welcome 2/10/2022

Official Minutes will be posted here once they are approved at the next Meeting.

========  MINUTES ========

2/10/2022 7:00 PM – Old board resigned – new board was appointed.

50 Members present or represented by proxy – 19 more needed to have a quorum.

No quorum was present so no official meeting could occur.

The new board members introduced themselves to the HOA members.

The board took a few questions from the members. There was no Secretary appointed as yet so notes were taken by the Management Company.

The board discussed among themselves the board positions available and voted to appoint positions as below.

The new President and Treasurer discussed with the Management Company that they would stop by the offices on Friday and sign some papers.

Meeting was adjourned.  About 7:40 PM

========  MINUTES CONCLUDED ========

New Board Members

Congratulations to the new 2022 Board Members

PRESIDENT – Kimberly Sullivan 

VICE PRESIDENT – Ellen Heulitt

TREASURER – Daniel Haskins

SECRETARY – James Squires

MEMBER  at Large – Lori Elsbree

COA Member’s Forum is now online

Join the conversation – discuss current events and topics of importance to the community Click on the link in the main menu to go to the Community Discussion Board – Forum.

Click this link: Forum – Jupiter Lakes Villas

Only Condo Owners/Members of the COA will be able to Register and access the Forum. Registration is easy and only takes a few minutes. Our goal is to have all Owners participate.

The Forum includes running conversations among JLV Homeowners and the JLV Board about our community, its budget and upcoming meetings. Do your part – get involved. Protect your investment. Discuss with neighbors. Register now.

Registration requires approval by a Forum Moderator so that only our COA Members have access.