Trucks, Cargo Vans and Commercial Vehicles

Trucks larger than 1/2 ton are not allowed to be parked in the community.

The “½ ton” refers to the size of the payload that a truck can carry. 

Traditionally one ton is 2,000 pounds, meaning a half-ton truck would have a 1,000-pound payload, three-quarter tons are rated to 1,500 pounds, and one-ton trucks can carry 2,000 pounds of payload. It is an old reference and many smaller trucks are now rated for higher payloads.

If the truck has double tires (4 tires on the back axel) it is well over the ½ ton mark. 

Our Rules & Regulations documents are very old so they use the old “½ ton” reference.

But our basic rule of thumb could be any truck with dual set of tires on the back axel would be not allowed.

Cargo Vans are considered trucks.

Commercial vehicles are only allowed while they are providing services within the community. Any vehicle with commercial signs on it cannot be parked overnight.

This article has a good list of the various trucks at the different sizes.