JLV Timeline

Here is a timeline of events that have occurred over the years. Newer events will appear at the top.

2/20/2025 – The Election Meeting: The existing COA Board was re-elected for another year at the 2025 Election Meeting.

Your 2025 Board Members are:
James Squires – President
Lori Elsbree – Vice President
Ellen Heulitt – Treasurer
Ann Sergent – Secretary
Kimberly Sullivan – Member

2/19/2025 – Insurance papers were signed and submitted for the upcoming renewal for February 25th 2025 to February 25th 2026. For the first time in many years (possibly decades) the insurance premiums will be paid in full and not financed. That saves the COA about $18,000 in interest fees. Insurance is our single highest budget item every year. The Property (Hurricane) Insurance is at $177,000 and all other policies (5 of them – wrap around, liability, etc.) total just under $50,000. That is exactly what we budgeted for at $220k total. They all renewed at about the same amount as last year.

2/19/2025 – BroadStar contract papers were finalized with our COA lawyer and signed to begin the installation of the new Fiber Optic infrastructure upgrade. Engineers will be on-site over the next weeks to begin planning stage of the project. Schedules will be distributed to Members for dates to allow access to each unit for the installation and training (if needed) on how to use the new system. Each unit should come online as soon as the unit install occurs. Each unit will be its own network as there is no shared networks or bandwidth. The balance of 2025 the Internet, TV and VOIP phone (if desired) will be provided at no cost.

2/13/2025 – We had the Landscapers remove 5 invasive non-Florida trees from the south end of the community property.

1/19/2025 – Meet Your Neighbors Party – Sunday 3 to 5pm

11/02/2024 – Sidewalks pressure cleaned – annual project before the holiday season. Completed.

11/04/2024 – Parking Lot Sealcoat Project to begin. Completed.

10/02/2024 – Bulkhead repair to begin on lake. Completed.

10/02/2024 – 2025 Budget workshops begin to prepare for the end of year budget approval for next year.

10/1/2034 – Bee Hive relocated to Bee Farm by Eric Baxter Bee Removal. Original estimate was $1000 but Eric did it for $800. Hive was near the road in an Oak tree at unit 2102. All clear now for Oak Tree Trim. Completed.

7/10/2024 – Parking Lot Sealcoat Project contract signed. All sealcoat companies we discussed the project with were of the same opinion that the sealcoat applied to the Main Streets would be a waste of money since the surface had been left to deteriorate for so long. So, we will only sealcoat the parking areas. Cost $37,000. Includes repainting the lines.

7/1/2024 – Hardwood Tree Trim – 100+ trees on the property; Oak Trees trimmed back and branches removed that are over any buildings. Sucker branch growth removed. Palm branches trimmed and seed pods removed. Dead Oak at the entrance was removed (apparently hit by lightning). Dead tall Palm at 2132 removed; All remaining stumps to be removed with grinder. Cost $8500 for Hardwoods – other trees removed about $1200.

5/21/2024 – Jupiter Medical Center Project – The project consists of installing new underground feeders to the Hospital. Residents may see the subcontractor JTC (Supreme Drilling) during the first part of the project. Also Pike Electric will be working in that same area. They will return the areas to “better than previous” condition when they are done. We were told that our electric grid would be included on the new grid they are installing to the hospital. Advantages include less power outages and higher power supply.

5/11/24 – Sprinkler Main that was reported as broken last week was repaired by Landscapers. FPL had an outage between 2105 and 2106 which they had temporarily set up an above ground cable. They dug trenches to install the permanent fix last week and cut the sprinkler electric lines and water main to that area. We will look to be reimbursed by FPL. Not holding our breath.

4/19/24 – Carlos Guadalupe Regional Property Manager at Triton has replaced Keisha Pepper as our Property Manager for the next few months.

4/1/24 – Construction begins on the new community Clubhouse and Pool. Project should be finished by June 2025. April fools.

3/26/24 – Begin to get bids on the Sidewalk Project: repair, grinding, replacement.

3/25/24 – Begin to get bids on Sealcoat Project due by end of year. This project will apply blacktop to only the parking lot surfaces. It will include treating the oil spill spots, repainting all the parking lines and possibly adding two additional speed bumps on the north and south streets. Applying sealcoat at various 5-year intervals can increase he life of the asphalt by 5 to 7 years. The main streets have not been sealcoated in a long time. They are due to be replaced within the next 3 years so adding sealcoat now would be a waste of money.

3/21/24 – The existing COA Board was re-elected for another year at the 2024 Election Meeting.

Your Board Members are:
James Squires – President
Lori Elsbree – Vice President
Ellen Heulitt – Treasurer
Ann Sergent – Secretary
Madison Maxwell – Member

3/15/24 – Hardwood Tree Trimming Project – We started taking bids for the tree trim project that needs to be completed around June 1st (the start of hurricane season).

2/29/24 – Our Get Quorum program is now up to 104 Owners (out of 136) who have signed up for e-Notifications and e-Voting. That is more than 75% of Owners signed up. This will save us money on printing, copying, stuffing envelopes and postage for certified and registered mailed packages to Owners before the elections or any votes.

2/28/24 – Retrofit Project complete. All attics have been upgraded to have the additional 3rd-nail into the hurricane straps. They installed a 4th-nail at no charge. So JLV community will get the largest discount available on all hurricane insurance this year and every year going forward. Owners can use the new Wind Mitigation reports to get discounts on their content insurance. COA paid $446 per unit out of Roofing Reserves for total of $63k. Saving us nearly $200k on storm insurance for 2024.

2/25/24 – Citizens Insurance does not accept our paperwork due to an issue with the previous carrier Coastal American and we sign with First Protective Insurance (highest rating) at a slight increase over the Citizen’s rate.

2/22/24 – Scheduled Board Meeting: New insurance agent voted by Board: Don Brady with RV Johnson gets us about $200k off our hurricane/property insurance. Saving us a lot of finance charges and allowing us to stay within our projected budget for 2024.

2/15/24 – Special Board Meeting called to fill the empty Treasurer seat on the board. Ellen Heulitt was appointed as Treasurer; Two empty seats were filled by volunteers Ann Sergent and Madison Maxwell; both were nominated and approved unanimously by the Board.

2/11/24 – Dan Haskins the Treasurer on the Board resigned by email notification – effective immediately.

2/8/24 – Emergency Board Meeting called to vote on the Retrofit Project. Vote by the board was unanimously approved. Insurance Agent Don Brady made a presentation and explained details about Flood and Hurricane Property Insurance. He answered questions from Members and the Board.

2/2/24 – Retrofit Project begins. COA signs contract with Retrofit and Renovations to upgrade all roofs within the community in order to bring them up to code before the end of February. Cost is $448 per unit. Project lasts until all attics that do not have the 3d Nail installed have been accessed and upgraded. Other bids were $750 to $1000 per unit and the companies could not start the work until too late for it to have a positive effect on this year’s insurance rate.

1/31/24 – Landscaper picks up the 25 new trees for the community and plants them around the lake area and in various spots within the community. Trees are mix of Cypress, Paradise, and Simpson Stopper.

1/21/24 – Meet Your Neighbors Party – Sunday 3 to 5pm

1/17/24 – Board applied and received a Grant from the State of Florida “Greening Program” for 25 free Florida Native Trees to help us green the lake area and put tree roots into the ground in order to hold the soil from eroding into the lake. This is part of our Lake – Wetland Restoration Project to return the lake to a more natural state to reduce costs and enhance the community aesthetics. Additional trees were planted around the community in areas that had no trees.

1/9/24 – Hurricane Insurance renewal rate increases from $265,000 to 352,000. Board begins looking for new insurance agent. First results look to be around $150,000 to 175,000. Citizens insurance denied us a policy due to internal reasons – we quickly got signed with Frontline Insurance. The total policy including finance was $195,000; All other insurance policies together are about $50,000.

1/1/24 – New contract begins with Triton Property Management company.

12/6/23 – Budget Meeting to balance and pass 2024 budget.

12/1/23 Board gives 30-day notice to leave Realtime Property Management and begin relationship with Triton Property Management as of 1/1/24.

11/29/23 – Sprinkler station pump motor at the Pond stopped working. Sent to shop for testing. Pump is fine – new motor installed: $711

11/20/23 – Parking lot curb stones painting Project begins. Several delays with rain days and they ran out of number stencils at the very end. But all curbs were painted and numbered.

11/5/23 – Our insurance agent estimated the new renewal rate will be 35% increase from $265,000 to $352,000 for February 25 2024 renewal date. The Board enquired of a new insurance agent: Don Brady – He recommended to sign us with Citizens and gets the hurricane insurance lowered to $175,000. Board was able to adjust the budget to reduce quarterly fees due to this.

11/2/23 – Project begins: Pressure cleaning of all sidewalks, roadside curbs, mailbox concrete foundations and rust removed from sidewalks. Also pressure clean parking curbs to get them ready for painting and numbering. Curbs painted the same grey trim color as units and fences. Dan Ryan’s Pressure Cleaning did the work. $2900 estimate for just clean – added rust removal on sidewalks and total was $5100.

11/1/23 – Board investigates Flood Insurance. Existing insurance agent sends invoice with increase from $50k (2023) to $63k (2024). Previous boards have been paying flood insurance for years and we are NOT in a flood zone. Only “A Zone” requires mandatory flood insurance. We agreed to not renew and saved $63k. The flood coverage is nearly impossible to collect on and it only covers the interior drywall behind the paint. Owners are responsible for “behind the paint” inward and their contents, not the COA. Owners can add flood coverage to their content insurance if they want.

10/29/23 – Request for corrections and changes to Reserve Study (no cost to COA) completed.

10/19/23 – President Kimberly Sullivan stepped down – Secretary James Squires appointed by Board to be the new President.

10/3/23 – JLV Reserve Study Report completed. $2995. Global Solution Partners, LLC.

9/26/23 – Town of Jupiter (TOJ) Water Project Underway – Main water valves replaced to increase water pressure. Timeframe 3 weeks; All areas that were dug up were covered with new sod by them. Cost $0.

9/19/23 – Board of Directors adopts Electronic Voting and Electronic Notices. Contract with Get Quorum (third party voting) signed. $700 per year.

9/7/23 – Project: Installation of a French Drain to stop pooling of rainwater into the back porches of unit 2126 south side.

8/14/23 – Installation of rain sensors onto existing three sprinkler systems so we don’t water in the rain anymore. Cost: $375. Also broken sprinkler water main was repaired at unit 2111A.

7/26/23 – Rust removed on buildings in the south end of the community. The rust proofing liquid connected to the sprinkler system in that zone had a fouled intake. Some rust was developing on some of the buildings. Rust removed and intake repaired.

7/10/23 – Street signs and old speed limit signs replaced with smaller versions.

6/13/23 – Sprinkler Main break under the tree in front of 2104. Due to tree roots growing into the sprinkler pipes. They had to be rerouted.

3/28/23 – Project to purchase and replace “rented” Rust proofing liquid tanks with our own. Installation, purchase and first month’s rust proof liquid: $1425.

3/6/23 – Duck Float fixed in the lake. This is the way the sprinkler intake water pipe is held up off the bottom of the lake. It had sprung a leak and sunk. Not good for the pump motor trying to get water through the muddy bottom area.

2/15/23 – New Landscaping company contract begins with When Nature Calls. They will combine lawn services, sprinklers, rustproofing and hedge trimming into one company where we had three before. They also offer tree trimming services as well.

2/27/23 – Board establishes Enhancement Committee.

2/12/23 – Wind Mitigation inspection for the community. This was not included with the roofing contact and was needed for our insurance.

2/10/23 – Board re-elected.

2/9/23 – Hurricane Insurance renewal rate increases from $150,000 to 265,000.

2/7/23 – Waste Management new carts delivered.

1/29/23 – Board sponsored “Meet Your Neighbors” cocktail party.

12/20/22 – Electronic Voting – Board in the process of reviewing various electronic voting systems. 

12/15/22 – Acquired bids for landscaping & sprinklers together; from $42k to $96k from more than 6 vendors for year-round service. 

11/30/22 – New budget is passed to fully fund the Reserves for 2023.

4/21/22 – Board establishes Compliance Committee.

2/10/2022 7:00 PM – Old Board resigns; President Barbara Vela steps down – new Board appointed.

New Board Members are:
Kimberly Sullivan – President
Lori Elsbree – Vice President
Dan Haskins – Treasurer
James Squires – Secretary
Ellen Heulitt – Member


10/?/21 – Somehow $150,000 appears in the roofing reserves fund and is put toward the $885,000 roof project reducing the assessment (which has already been approved, paid or financed by Owners) to $735,000. Allowing the old board to “give credits” back to those who had paid in full and reduce the length of time for owners who financed (from 40 quarters to 28 quarters but pay the same amount.)

10/?/21 – Roofing work begins – contract does NOT include: wind mitigation reports, installation of third nail, or replacement of finished paint (only to primer finish) on areas of eaves damaged by roofers. New roof only has 10-year warranty. $885,000.

7/28/21 – Contact signed by old Board with Code Red Roofers. Special assessment was issued to all Owners.

7/21/21 – Old Board votes to leave Jupiter Property Management and begins relationship with Realtime Property Management.

6/15/20 – Painting of buildings completed.

10/1/2019 – Paint Buildings ($190,720 total; minus $127,852.35 in reserves = $62,867.65 shortfall) & Pave Parking Lots ($194,306.19 total; minus $58,313,65 in reserves = $135,992.54 shortfall: Special Assessment to cover shortfall ($62,867.65 + $135,992.54 plus $7,000 admin/processing costs = $205,860.19). Voted into place by the Board. $1514 per unit to be paid in 5 payments of $302.80 each starting Dec 2019 quarterly payment. Two tone tan and brown design was then covered up with one color per building. New colors are not compatible on a color wheel, many owners and even a professional painter explained this to the board, and yet they voted to go with these non-matching colors anyway. We are stuck with them until the next painting cycle (8 to 10 years).

12/15/2015 – Sealcoat applied to Main Roads re-stripe. and speed tables put in.

?/?/? – Oak Trees trimmed – ?

?/?/? – Main Streets repaved – ?

?/?/2005 – Previous Roof replacement – ?

?/?/? – Previous Buildings Painted

We will try to add the dates for these past items as we find paperwork about them in the old file boxes.